Phillip James Dunn; ‘Orphan’ & ‘Roxy Rejects’ ***FREE TRACKS***

Phil Dunn, now resident in Singapore and still creating fantastic music.

Phil Dunn, now resident in Singapore and still creating fantastic music.

Thought you would like to hear some more tracks from my old band Orphan, all songs written by Phillip James Dunn founder and front man of the band now resident in Singapore. The more I listen to these great songs by Phil, the band should have made it really really big, fantastic songs, inventive keyboards and a powerful rhythm section, hope you like them, oh and If you like these songs, Phil’s new band the Roxy Rejects album will knock yer socks off!  Will let you know when it’s available as soon as I get the info.

(Photograph left Phil Dunn 1982).

Just click on the links below for your free Orphan tracks and some 2008/11 Roxy Rejects tracks, enjoy!





orphan child image youtube

Orphan ‘Different Levels’


Roxy Rejects

Roxy Rejects

For more information on Roxy Rejects go to:


Much love to all Orphan & Roxy fans everywhere!

Keith at Base live music and recording studio, Stourbridge, West Midlands.
